Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Gemok-gemok saya sekarang..gemok lg saya dulu....ha ha ha

view gmbr kt bawah

haaa..amek kau..belambak bok bok...

(3 tahun yang lepas)

Sekarang nie alhamdulillah..dah trun ckit berat badan....


(gambar 6 bulan yang lalu)

Tapi sekarang naik plak dahhh berat badan aku...aii tension aku ! hehe..walaubagaimanapun aku bersyukur apa yg ada skrg :)

(gambar terkini )

Rasa syukur mesti ada tetap dalam diri agar kita lebih menghargai segala apa yang kita ada dan punya. hari ni kita ada segalanya, besok tak menentukan lagi kita masih memiliki segalanya. syukur tu bukan subjective ye, tapi ia adalah HARUS...HARUS ada dalam diri sendiri. 


Monday, May 21, 2012

Hepy Mothers Day

Assalamualaikum wbt......

whoppsss !! here..The weekends here..time to sit back....
relax and enjoy some good picture from me....
good lah sgt kn?? (tangan kt dada, mata tgk atas?)

Semalam, i was invited to an mothers day celebration...wahahaha!
and lagi bestnya, i disuruh jadik mc lak pd mlm tuu.....okey je kot x da hal lah.....
tapi nervous jgk lah........sbb majlisnya pon majlis rasmi kn...


i don't usually plan my clothes out. i just main ambik je apa yang i nak pakai ikut suka hati...dress nie pon  x attract too much attention and it's too fancy kot. 

 bru lah dpt sume dah nk blik dah...i bru mkn......sorg2x lak tu :) btw syiokkk sgtt........bab 1 meja tu i je....pfttt hahah :P

Mommy, I love you…

* So many wonderful moments we have spent together, so many wonderful years in all kinds of weather, thinking of u mother brings memories to mind, wonderful moments i ll treasure, these u gve me sincerely thats why my mom , I love u so dearly. Happy Mothers Day My dear Mom…

 sayangggg mak...............!!!!!!

 terima lah mak...hadiah yg x seberapa ini............

 peace wars !

suma wat muka cm nie ckitt.......plezzz

nah bunga...utk my readers.....k tata..salam.....owh  ya....HEPPY MOTHERS DAY.....utk ibu2 dimuka bumi ini....tanpa anda...siaplah kmi :) terima kasih.....

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

cheering me up =_=

Assalamualaikum...salam sejahtera,salam 1 Malaysia,salam perpaduan, salam pantai timur, 
salam pantai utara......erkkkk bam ! ada ka salam pantai utara?? you knozz " mesti lah 
ada...kt utara pon byak pantai lorh ! 
owh ya..Btw....MORNING GUYS !!! 8.00 am

Actually today is my 3rd weeks  I had just worked at Wisma-Persekutuan. So far, I hated it...  The people there were totally friendly. But yah, they’re seems sooo boring....urrmm nk x nk...So I get showered (Okay it was 6am and I’ll take about 20 minutes to get shower),solat, dressed( it take 30 minutes), breakfirst(15 minutes) and went to office just because I want to get my pocket money...just pocket money to shopping !! extra job...:p and it common say "girls theraphy...

12.00 pm - at office

dah mula bosan,..many work have to do...

“hanim, are you okay?’’, kak ina asked me. ‘’yah, like usual.’’ I gave her a weak smile. Even I feel bad actually. =..= 
dalam hati ......"cpt lah kol 5 !! nk blik umah nie....erghhh...what the hell..

1.oo pm - at cafe

makan dan seperti biasa dpt pgln from my bazzfren in da world  ^^

"sesunngunhya awk dpt menukarkan wajah saya daripada cuka ke gula melaka , daripada kereta volkswagen ke kereta honda jazz hybrid !!thank you for standing by me all this time..he's always cheering me up when i'm not feeling so great.....

inilah my sugar hunny bunny 
lov u so much ^^

5.oo pm - otw

yes...punchcard n bye !